Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Cover photos.

1. Male or Female?
Male [ ]
Female [ ]
2. Age group?
15-16 [ ]
17-18 [ ]
18-20 [ ]
20-23 [ ]
3. What type of magazine do you usually buy?
R’n’B [ ]
Pop [ ]
Rock [ ]
House [ ]
Trance [ ]
Classic [ ]
Punk [ ]
Metal [ ]
Dance [ ]
4. How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine?
50p - £1 [ ]
£1.50 - £2 [ ]
£2.50 - £3 [ ]
£3.50 - £4 [ ]
5. What features do you enjoy reading or seeing?
Interviews [ ]
Gossip pages [ ]
Problem Pages [ ]
Posters [ ]
Horoscopes [ ]
Paparazzi photos [ ]
6. Would you be more willing to buy the magazine if there was a ___ on the cover?
Woman [ ]
Man [ ]
Both [ ]
Don’t mind [ ]
Group of different genders [ ]
Group of women [ ]
Group of boys [ ]
7. What fonts do you prefer?
Trebuchet MS [ ]
Century Gothic [ ]
Comic Sans MS [ ]
Perpetua [ ]
Impact [ ]
Jokewood [ ]
Gigi [ ]
Lucida Sans [ ]
Poornut [ ]
Pussycat [ ]
8. What title do you prefer?
BOOM [ ]
9. What colour scheme do you think works best?
Black and white [ ]
Purple and pink [ ]
Pink and white [ ]
Blue and white [ ]
Blue and pink [ ]
Yellow and green [ ]
Yellow and black [ ]
Blue and black [ ]
Purple and blue [ ]
10. How often do you think the magazine should come out?
Every day [ ]
Every other day [ ]
Every week [ ]
Every 2 weeks [ ]
Every month [ ]
Every few months [ ]
Every year [ ]
The general opinion of my friends whom were between 16 and 18 enjoyed R'n'B and House music, so I chose this as the theme of my mag, which led me to naming it 'Bounce' as this type of music is quite bouncy. Also, Bounce is the name of a very popular R'n'B song, the pose of my model matched this genre aswell. I found out that my target audience were willing to pay between £1.50 and £2.00 for the magazine, and they would like to see interviews, horoscopes and paparazzi photographs published in the magazine. My audience did not mind what gender model was on the front cover, nor did they mind how many people were on the cover. The general opinion was that they liked the font 'perpetua' so I therefore used this as my title font, although pussycat was also fairly popular so I used this for sub titles. The majority of people thought the title 'Bounce' would be most appropriate, so I was happy as this was my opinion aswell. There were various colours which were chosen, so I have mostly used primary colours on my cover, so it does not look too busy or bright, yet still sophisticated. The general answer for the final question was that it should be brought out every week.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Marjorie Ferguson (1980) identified four types of facial expression in the cover photos of British women's magazines - Chocolate Box, Invitational, Super0smiler and Romantic or sexual. The one I chose was invitational: emphasis on the eyes (or the glasses in my case), mouth shut or with only a hint of a smile, head to one side or looking back to the camera. Projected mood: suggestive of mischief or mystery, the hint of contact potential rather than sexual promise, the cover equivalent of advertising's soft sell.
I chose this pose because I think it is inviting and puts a light mood on my magazine. My model is only smiling a little which suggests cheekyness, yet is still a cool pose. His hand gesture suggests he is a "gangsta" which relates to the type of music my magazine is about; urban and house.